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To assist you in the planning of your walk and to accompany you along the way, we offer a selection of guidebooks that you can comfortably carry in a rucksack pocket or walking jacket.
To order by fax, please use the number 01609 883822.

by David Hunter
Guidebook to walking The Offa's Dyke Path, a National Trail along the Welsh Marches that runs 170 more.
Price: �12.95
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by Kay, Kay & Richards
This is the North edition of a two volume guide. It claims to be the "official guide" to "the best" more.
Price: �12.99
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by Kay, Kay & Richards
This is the South edition of a two volume guide. It claims to be the "official guide" to "the best" more.
Price: �12.99
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by Keith Carter
The Offa's Dyke Path is a superb National Trail that runs from the North Wales coast to the Severn more.
Price: �9.99
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Offas-Dyke Suggestions
In his preface to one of our guidebooks, Sir John Hunt, leader of the 1953 Everest expedition, writes, "I believe that it is not mere fantasy to suggest that, while walking along Offa�s Dyke, the past is still with us in the present." That�s why the writers of the Offa�s Dyke guidebooks reviewed here are all, to a greater or lesser extent, historians. Look for the guidebook which blends personal, historical and geographical commentary with route-finding in a mix that suits you. Are you a walker quite interested in history or a historian going for a walk in a fascinating area?